Sessions with Diana

  • Quantum Energy Clearing and Empowerment Sessions

    My signature quantum energy clearing and empowerment session is a 1.5 hr session that involves verbal energetic processing through asking a variety of questions.

  • Spiritual Interference Clearings

    These clearings are about you regaining your sovereignty, potency and capacity so you can show up and be you with greater ease and joy. It can truly change everything!

  • Trauma Clearing

    Trauma and abuse energy can affect anybody at one time or another. This particular energy doesn’t go away on its own, it imprints into our cells, biology, being and our energetic body; attracting similar experiences and energies until we change the imprint and its program.

  • Energetic Bodywork

    Your body’s ability to heal is greater than what anyone has ever permitted you to believe. A bodywork session involves the use of a range of energetic processes, along with verbal processing and clearing techniques that facilitate greater possibilities for you and your body.