Sweet infinite beings, we are on a continuous journey of receiving information so we can create the changes we know are infinitely possible to shift our frequency and choices, and to come out of beliefs into more of who we truly be. Doing so allows us to actualise the life, living, reality and future that is ours by original and natural divine right!
Often however, we start judging the information and ourselves—when really, this is just information coming up in your universe to show you what requires to heal, transmute and be released in order for you to be more of the infinite you that you truly be! It’s a journey back to our true magnificent selves.
So, when crappy stuff is still coming up, rather than judge it, be grateful for what it’s showing you, use the tools and do some more work—you are almost there, do not give in, you are the creator of your universe and you are simply creating what you are aligning with at the moment. Change your frequency, choices and beliefs, and guess what? you have a whole new reality!
When you judge you, or the situation, you cut off awareness. When you are ‘interesting point of view’, allowance, neutral and go into question (What is this? What do I do with this? Can I change this? If so, how?) now you’re raising your vibration and opening the door to infinite awareness, possibilities and potential.
Anything is possible when you truly receive your creative magic and make the changes required—with the information in your field—to then change your frequency and bring into your life a whole new reality!
You are the creator sweet infinite being, you can do this! Use the tools and be interesting point of view. When you buy into the low vibration, use the clearings until you are back to neutral, this is how you begin to raise your vibration. Then if it’s light do more work to uncover further limiting beliefs and programs, ask for it to get better, greater and more amazing, ask for more—then let go of attachment and follow the energy. It will show you the way to what else is truly possible.