An Energy Attachment Clearing Session


Isn’t it time you reclaimed your body and power and became the authority of your own personal space?

Energy Attachment Clearings

This clearing is about you regaining your sovereignty, potency and capacity so you can show up and be you with greater ease and joy. It can truly change everything!

At various times in life, you may have experienced:

  • Unexplained pain or illness
  • Poor sleep and fatigue
  • Difficulty in concentrating, poor memory and confusion
  • Depression and anxiety or even panic attacks
  • The feeling that you require a drink to wind down (even though you may not necessarily feel like it)
  • A feeling that something is just off

You may have also noticed that from time-to-time you:

  • Experience strange, obsessive or unwanted thoughts and feelings
  • Mood swings and impulsive behaviour or uncontrollable bouts of emotion
  • A feel of “This isn’t me”
  • Being in a constant haze or fog and feeling as though you are living under a dark cloud
  • Find it difficult to make decisions
  • Feel like you don’t recognise yourself when you look in the mirror
  • Have constant blocks or sabotage in your life, an inability to move forward
  • Perceive crawling sensations under your skin
  • Have periods of constant hunger and cravings, especially for sugar
  • Are filled with doubt or insecurity and don’t trust yourself
  • Attract constant drama and trauma
  • Disturbing nightmares or night terrors

These thoughts and feelings are not necessarily yours! You may be at the effect of spiritual parasites – energies that take you away from being you and are vested in you staying powerless.

If you resonate with even only a few of the above; attending a clearing session may be exactly what you require. A session can contribute to you moving forward and creating a life, living and reality greater than you could ever have imagined possible.

About the clearing session

The reason I comprehend these energies is because I too have been at the effect of them and recognise the havoc they can cause.  With many years of experience in energy clearing I know what it takes to break the attachment cycle and am able to do this from a space of absolute allowance.

This session includes clearings for:

  • Spiritual parasites that are not in body that may be present or attached, including: spirit, ghost and entities, plus over 100 different types of these energies and their anchors
  • Any auditory parasites
  • Spiritual parasites that are inbodied, including people in your life who drain your energy, or those who you have strong feelings towards or vice versa
  • Curses, black magic and spell energies
  • Revocation and the uncreation of soul contracts that make you susceptible to these energies
  • Implants, imprints, portals and various other controlling anchors
  • Emotional and mental anchors
  • Your mental, emotional, etheric, energetic and physical bodies, DNA, bloodlines and realms connected to your energetic field

At the end of the session you will leave with:

  • Written information, tools, techniques and awareness to assist you in retaining your space
  • The knowledge of what attracts these energies to you
  • The opportunity to learn how to stop the invasion of unwanted energies
  • The capacity to reclaim your body, energy and power
  • Clearing of key programs that keep you locked into attracting these energies and that don’t allow you to move forward, such as: e.g.: slave, victim mentality and servitude programs.

This potent session can truly be life changing!  It has been for me personally! I know that to be truly free is to have sovereignty over our own bodies and energy fields and to use our sovereign free will choice at all times, what will it take for YOU to choose this?

Sessions can be in person, over the phone or via Skype.

1.5 Hour Session: $240
2 Hour Session: $300