Spirit retrieval & revival is the process of bringing back an aspect of one’s self, a lost fragment that may have splintered from the whole person due to severe stress or trauma.

When these segments leave, you can feel incomplete (as if something is missing), lost or even a drop in your vitality and energy.

When the being is fragmented you may not remember the details of the traumatic event that caused the fragmentation. This is because the fragment has taken those memories with it—I perceive that this occurs as an inbuilt protection mechanism that gets triggered during a traumatic event—the aspect leaves and takes as much of the pain as possible with it!

Aspects can leave during various stages of life including:

  • in childhood
  • upon incarnation
  • in the womb
  • just after birth
  • in a past life. 

Events that create an aspect to leave can include:

  • profound stress, pain, trauma, fright or shock
  • loss of a loved one
  • car accidents
  • abortions or miscarriages
  • physical, emotional or sexual abuse
  • surgery or sudden onset of debilitating disease
  • divorce and break ups
  • loss of business or career
  • combat trauma
  • massive disappointment
  • co-dependent relationships.

Some possible symptoms of aspect loss can include:

  • chronic illness or chronic fatigue
  • mental body issues and challenges like an over active mind with continuous random thoughts, or recurring thoughts.
  • vulnerable to spiritual interference
  • memory loss
  • disconnection or disassociation
  • listlessness, depression, or the feeling that something is missing, not right, incomplete
  • addictions
  • loss of vitality or passion about life.

Does this resonate with you?

If after reading this, you perceive you are experiencing a missing aspect of your being, then a spirit retrieval and revival may be of benefit. For further information on this topic or to book a session, please contact Diana Marion.