Posts In: Energy Clearing

Sweet infinite beings, we are on a continuous journey of receiving information so we can create the changes we know are infinitely possible to shift our frequency and choices, and to come out of beliefs into more of who we truly be. Doing so allows us to actualise the life, living, reality and future that is ours by original and natural divine right!


Spirit Contract Revocation

December 1, 2018

Spirit contract revocations are such a powerful tool as you are using your true and real vibrational spirit frequency through your own voice to remove all the covert inserted fineprint in your contracts past, present and future. A phenomenal tool to reclaim your sovereignty and potency as an infinite being.  You are a free will sovereign spirit being, reclaim it, own it, remember it!

Reclaim your today, your present, with this soul contract revocation … a gift from my heart space to yours …


Spirit retrieval & revival is the process of bringing back an aspect of one’s self, a lost fragment that may have splintered from the whole person due to severe stress or trauma.

When these segments leave, you can feel incomplete (as if something is missing), lost or even a drop in your vitality and energy.

When the being is fragmented you may not remember the details of the traumatic event that caused the fragmentation. This is because the fragment has taken those memories with it—I perceive that this occurs as an inbuilt protection mechanism that gets triggered during a traumatic event—the aspect leaves and takes as much of the pain as possible with it!
