Spirit Retrieval Exercise
May 23, 2018
When these segments leave, you can feel incomplete (as if something is missing), lost or even a drop in your vitality and energy.
When the being is fragmented you may not remember the details of the traumatic event that caused the fragmentation. This is because the fragment has taken those memories with it—I perceive that this occurs as an inbuilt protection mechanism that gets triggered during a traumatic event—the aspect leaves and takes as much of the pain as possible with it!
What will make 2018 greater, better, different, more?? YOU! Well here we are….at the beginning of a new year in this reality. What will make this year greater, better, different, more?? YOU!
You are the determining factor on what shows up as your reality this year and every year!!
This morning I woke up from my slumber remembering snippets of my dreams during the night…..the energy of my dreams was simply going back to spaces and places and circumstances that used to make me happy and finding that energy no longer existed. Can you relate? You know when you do something you used to love, or eat something you used to love to eat, and then you realise it’s just not the same?? (more…)